Monthly Archives: May 2014


Came back from a standard trip from Japan tired but happy. This time with the mom and the dad in tow.
In a nutshell, we:

  1. Bought earrings at the Shinsaibashi area in Osaka
  2. Ate beef in Kobe
  3. Walked about Gion/Pontocho and Fushimi Inari Taisha and its surrounding areas in Kyoto
  4. Did the standard Hakone Round Trip and had happy onsen time
  5. Watched a Sumo Grand Tournament in Ryogoku in Tokyo
  6. Took many pictures of flowers at Hitachi Kaihin Koen in Ibaraki
  7. Queued up for kaisendon at Tsukiji Shijo
  8. Shopped till we dropped at Shibuya/Harajuku
  9. Missed our flight home and panicked for abit before taking a different flight home

Eventful 🙂 Didn’t realise how much I will miss my bed and my room after bring away for 10 days!

In Hakone’s Ancient Cedar Avenue with matching backpacks from Tokyu Hands

… On a unrelated note, I sometimes forget how unpleasant people can get and how infuriating it must feel when the person you want to quarrel with doesn’t even bother to talk to you. Because all you can do is to hurl insults at that person and her mother via text messages when they are on vacation, for example. Possibly ruining the trip for them.

Although in their shoes, perhaps I should understand the magnitude of the fury that will ensue when someone whom you think of as nothing more than a disgusting worm.. a self conceited one at that, criticizes you for something. Like how dare she? when you are by far the better person? It must be terribly upsetting, of course. And now that your antagonist has bared her True Selfish Nature for everyone to see, anyone who cannot see the things your way must be biased, or blinded by love. It can’t be anything else but that. What a colossal sense of entitlement some people can grow, despite all the church going and godly talk.