

Really is a shock to realize your role models are still human after all and how fronts put up by people can be so deceiving. And how your little world cannot be perfect, no matter how happy you think you are and how happy you wish others around you will be, too.

Updates on what is happening around me now:

  • Have been working on the FYP from hell and my simulations. Are. Still. Not. Working. Seems that the only thing left that i can do is to pray really hard, now that all my efforts up to now seem futile and no one seem to be able to help. times like this really make me wish i had taken an easier path to graduation, but it really is too late for regrets and moping about really isn’t going to help me.
  • Have also been playing DotA 2 and Dragon Quest IX on my NDS when my simulations are running. Staying at home and playing computer games make me so happy. My netbook can actually play DotA 2 with no problems! I really have no reason to buy a laptop to game and will probably never get one.
  • Have downsized my boxing training program with very very mixed feelings. I clearly always have had a desire to completely dominate an opponent in sport and i love throwing punches and having the physical stamina that comes with being a competitive boxer (my criteria for fit). However, i do also think that boxing is.. barbaric. I don’t have a great desire to hurt anyone or punch anyone in the face, nor do I like getting punched in the face. Was watching the NUS-ITE boxing match the other day and saw a much better boxer pummel an unfortunate opponent with his coaches roaring in delight and egging him on to hit harder. It looks too much like bullying, and i didn’t like it. there was no glory in watching two people hit each other or getting into a fight and hitting someone else. It’s a huge struggle all the time, when i was training. Yet i don’t want to throw in the towel and admit that i have been wrong in thinking that boxing was a sport for me, because as usual my pride is getting in the way, so i’m hanging on. With mixed feelings.
  • Trains have been breaking down, and Singapore have been surprisingly stupid in responding. I always thought we didn’t do stupid things, but apparently we have lapses. Recent train related events: train breakdowns getting more frequent -> SMRT unleashes a wonderful plan which include spending $5 million on decorating buses. -> SMRT gets approval for a raise in fares -> SMRT is fined $100 for overcrowding trains and buses -> SMRT fines a student $1000 for using the electrical outlet at the station to charge her phone. Nothing makes sense. and our ever reliable paternal goverment seem tongue tied and ineffective.
  • Anton Casey, some rich british banker, shoots off his mouth on facebook and youtube and was sacked and hounded out of the country (with Schadenfreude being the dominant emotion among his hounders; we really aren’t a very gracious people, aren’t we?) seriously, we should just leave him alone. He will still be richer than any of us ever will be even without his job and what he says on facebook isn’t really our business. Rude people are everywhere anyway and if he had been doling out shit to people around him, shit will come back to him one day anyway without our meting out of ‘social media justice’. Besides, the fact that we got riled up was because he hit a chord with most of us.. that most of us probably can’t even buy a car nowadays despite being good hardworking citizens, and public transport nowadays isn’t great. These have nothing to do with him and everything to do with.. ahem. Plus i do feel sorry for his son and a little less sorry for his wife, since she kind of received retribution for calling local men childish and immature and getting married to someone who is so not.

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